Oral Sedation & Anesthesia – Burke, VA

Making Your Surgery
Comfortable & Painless

If you’ve never had surgery before, trust that our team of experts at Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery will do everything we can to make your experience as comfortable as possible. We offer several types of oral sedation in Burke as well as general anesthesia to ensure you don’t feel any pain during your treatments, and our understanding team is always happy to answer any questions you may have to ease your anxiety or fear.

Why Choose Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery for Oral Sedation & Anesthesia?

  • Fast-Acting Nitrous
    Oxide Sedation
  • Medical & Dental
    Insurance Accepted
  • Team of 5 Experienced
    Oral Surgeons

Oral Conscious Sedation

Senior man taking a pill for oral sedation in Burke

Oral conscious sedation is ideal for those who experience moderate to severe anxiety or fear, as well as those who are receiving invasive treatments. Before your appointment, we’ll prescribe a pill for you to take that will put you in a deep state of relaxation by the time you visit our oral surgery office. Because the effects kick in before you arrive and they’ll linger for several hours after your procedure, you’ll need to be prepared to have a trusted friend or family member drop you off and pick you up from your appointment.

What Is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Woman preparing to swallow oral conscious sedation pill

Oral conscious sedation is a powerful relaxation technique. All you have to do is take a pill shortly before your procedure is scheduled to begin. No needles or masks are necessary. Within about 15 minutes, you can expect to feel very relaxed, and the effects may last for several hours.

A number of different medications can be used for oral conscious sedation. Valium, Ativan, and Halcion are common choices.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

Close-up of relaxed dental patient with closed eyes

Oral conscious sedation is powerful enough that it may make you feel drowsy. You could even drift off to sleep during your appointment. However, it should be easy for our team to awaken you if necessary, and you will remain able to respond to instructions. After your appointment, you may have little or no recollection of what happened during your procedure. Many patients like this mild amnesiac effect.

Our team will monitor you throughout your appointment to ensure your safety and promote your comfort.

Are You a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

Smiling dental patient making thumbs up gesture

You may be a suitable candidate for oral conscious sedation if:

  • You struggle with a degree of dental anxiety or fear.
  • You went through traumatic dental care experiences in the past.
  • You have a sensitive gag reflex.
  • You have a medical condition that makes it difficult or impossible for you to comfortably sit still for a prolonged period of time.
  • Local anesthesia does not easily numb you.
  • You do not have any contraindications for oral conscious sedation. For example, it is not generally recommended for pregnant individuals.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Are you only a little nervous about your dental procedure? Do you need just a small boost to feel relaxed? With more intensive sedatives, you can be impaired or affected for hours following your appointment and not even remember details from your time in the chair. However, you may not require these stronger sedatives to have a better experience. That’s where nitrous oxide sedation is beneficial! If you are interested in a gentler option, reach out to our team, and we can arrange for it to be used at your appointment.

Who is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a great sedation option for those who have only mild dental anxiety or who are undergoing more minor or shorter procedures. It depends on how well you tolerate being the chair. For many, this type of sedation takes “the edge” off their fears so they can relax and feel calm. If you suffer from more severe anxiety, a strong sedative may be necessary.

Also, nitrous oxide is trusted for most patients because of its gentle impact. It rarely causes side effects and is safe to be used for patients of all ages and abilities.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

Nitrous oxide sedation is administered by placing a small mask over the nose that will allow you to breathe in a colorless, odorless gas mixed with normal air. Within moments, you’ll feel a relaxing wave wash over you and notice your fears float away. Throughout your treatment, we can increase or decrease the concentration of the gas as needed, ensuring your comfort the entire time. After your procedure, we’ll turn off the gas and let you breathe pure oxygen, which will quickly flush the effects of the sedation out of your system and allow you to go on with your day as you normally would.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

Just as fast as the effects kick in, they subside within minutes of the mask being taken off your nose. As a result, you should experience no impairment when you leave the office. You can drive home or do whatever you need to do in your busy schedule! Although rare, nausea may be a side effect, but people generally tolerate this gentle form of sedation and enjoy being able to resume usual activities afterward.

IV Sedation

I V dental sedation drip

For patients receiving more invasive treatments, like surgical tooth extractions or more involved full mouth restoration, we may recommend IV sedation. This method allows us to administer a calming medication directly into your bloodstream through an IV, meaning it will take effect nearly immediately. Once your treatment is over, we’ll have you wait in our office to make sure that your vitals are good before sending you home with a trusted friend or family member to recover from your procedure.

What is IV Sedation?

An IV bag and corresponding hoses

IV sedation is considered the most powerful form of treatment for individuals who need something to help curb dental anxiety while undergoing invasive procedures. Unlike general anesthesia, which is known to put patients to sleep, IV sedation allows individuals to remain conscious yet completely comfortable.

The medication used as part of IV sedation is delivered intravenously through a vein in the arm or hand. This allows for immediate access to the bloodstream so that the effects come on more quickly. Our dental team ensures the safety and comfort of those receiving IV sedation by continually monitoring vitals throughout the procedure.

Who is a Good Candidate for IV Sedation?

Patient expressing concern about treatment

Just like with any other type of sedation, meeting with one of our oral surgeons is essential. This visit allows us to go over a person’s oral and overall health history, determining whether there is anything that might cause sedation to be unsuccessful or even dangerous.

Generally, if a person is in good health, IV sedation can be a beneficial option, especially if any of the following occur:

  • A person has a sensitive or strong gag reflex
  • An individual has extreme dental anxiety, making it difficult to receive essential oral healthcare
  • The person needs multiple procedures to treat severe decay or damage
  • Other forms of sedation are unsuccessful

The Benefits of IV Sedation

Man preparing for IV sedation

Depending on the practice, there are varying levels of sedation. Patients who struggle with extreme dental anxiety or who require more than one form of treatment often need something to help them remain calm and comfortable while in the dentist’s chair.

This is where IV sedation becomes highly beneficial. Not only can it decrease anxiety and create a more enjoyable experience, but it also:

  • Makes it difficult for patients to remember much from their appointment, which can be ideal for anyone who does not like receiving oral healthcare services.
  • Enters the bloodstream immediately, so effects come on quickly.
  • Ensures the patient remains safe because of the dental team’s attention to detail when monitoring the flow of the medication

General Anesthesia

Patient with general anesthesia tubing attached to their arm

General anesthesia is necessary for those receiving surgical procedures, like cosmetic facial surgery, facial feminization, jaw surgery, and more. Before your treatment, we’ll provide you with detailed pre- and post-op instructions to prepare you for the effects of the anesthesia. It will also be necessary to have someone pick you up and stay with you following your surgery. If you have any questions before your procedure, please don’t hesitate to call our office!

IV Sedation FAQs

Will I feel any pain with IV sedation?

When receiving IV sedation, you should not feel any pain throughout your treatment. The reason is that the medication used works to suppress your body’s ability to feel discomfort. Since you are conscious during your visit, you may experience pressure at times but not pain. In most situations, you will receive local anesthesia to help numb the area receiving treatment so that your mouth does not feel uncomfortable at all.

Is IV sedation safe while pregnant?

Receiving any kind of dental care while pregnant requires careful thought. Even X-rays can be harmful. When discussing the need for IV sedation while pregnant, you can expect us to carefully review your medical history and discuss the potential concerns involved. Any kind of sedation, including IV, can cause developmental problems for the baby during the first trimester. If you wait until your third trimester, it could cause premature labor.

While the second trimester is typically the “safest” time to receive invasive dental procedures, it’s best to wait until after the baby arrives and you are no longer pregnant.

What are the risks of IV sedation?

Sedation dentistry is a safe solution; however, there are always risks associated with any kind of dental care. When receiving IV sedation, you can expect we will go over the potential complications that can arise. For example, if you have sleep apnea, certain problems can occur from sedation. The same can be said if you are taking certain types of medications.

Each person reacts differently to sedation, so we will closely monitor you throughout treatment. After you return home, you can expect to still feel tired and groggy from your visit, but other possible side effects include nausea and headaches.

How much does IV sedation cost?

It should come as no surprise that IV sedation is generally more expensive than oral conscious sedation or nitrous oxide. It requires advanced training for dentists and oral surgeons to provide this method of care. However, the cost is largely based on how long you are under the effects.

At Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery, we are pleased to take both dental and medical insurance. We are in-network with various plans and will file claims for many PPOs.

We also lower out-of-pocket expenses with the help of CareCredit – a third-party financier that provides monthly payment plans at little to no interest.

Oral Conscious Sedation FAQs

Will I remember anything with dental sedation?

Although you will remain conscious during your procedure, you will unlikely remember anything about your visit. This is great news if you struggle with the idea of receiving dental care of any kind. With oral conscious sedation, you will be completely at ease and may even doze off while the surgeon is working on you; however, the dental team will be able to awaken you quite easily should they need you to respond to various cues.

Are there risks or side effects with oral conscious sedation?

The kind of risks associated with oral conscious sedation are minimal. While you cannot rule out the possibility of complications, it is unlikely that you will experience anything that is of great cause for concern. Instead, some of the more common side effects include:

  • Slight amnesia
  • Dry mouth
  • Temporary hiccups

It’s important to remember that with oral conscious sedation, you will need to have someone drive you home after your appointment.

Is oral conscious sedation worth it?

If you like the idea of being able to take better care of your oral health, then oral conscious sedation is certainly worth the time and money. Any kind of dental anxiety that keeps you from undergoing necessary treatment can be detrimental to your overall health and well-being. But because dentists and oral surgeons offer a way to receive the care you need without the added stress and fear, you can feel more confident and comfortable each time you come in for treatment.

We also understand, though, that cost may be a factor in your decision. Is it still worth it? Yes! Cost should not inhibit you from seeking extensive dental care. While many dental insurance companies will not cover sedation dentistry, there are other ways to avoid high out-of-pocket costs, such as flexible financing. Also, avoiding treatment because you fear the cost of sedation will only lead to more serious problems in the future.

Will dental insurance pay for my sedation?

Unfortunately, most dental insurance companies will not cover the cost of sedation. It is considered a luxury form of treatment, which means that it is not “necessary” for better oral health to be achieved. However, this is not always the case. There are some exceptions that you should know about, especially if they might apply to your situation:

  • If you have a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to receive dental care without sedation, you may be eligible for coverage.
  • If you are preparing to receive several forms of treatment during one visit (i.e., tooth extractions), you may find that your insurance company will cover a portion of the cost.

It’s important that you review your plan or have a member of our dental team look over it. This will help you save the most money no matter the type of care you receive in our office.