Why You Shouldn’t Feel Embarrassed to Receive Dental Implants

July 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — novaomsburke @ 7:03 pm
a patient attending her dental implant consultation

Dental implants are the name of the game when it comes to tooth restoration; however, some patients feel a little apathetic to receive this innovative restoration, due to concerns about embarrassment! But there is no shame in seeking dental implants if you have missing teeth—in fact, you’d be foolish to not consider implants, given their impressive reliability! Here are five reasons why you shouldn’t feel embarrassed in the slightest to receive dental implants—you’re massively upgrading your smile and in turn, your quality of life!

#1. No Dietary Restrictions Whatsoever

Living with missing teeth poses several problems, but among them is difficulty while eating. Without all your natural teeth, your bite force is greatly diminished, which means you aren’t able to effectively chew and grind your food. This can negatively impact your overall nutrition—not to mention, it can be quite embarrassing! Fortunately, dental implants restore almost all of your original bite power, allowing you to enjoy all of your favorite foods once more with complete ease.

#2. You’re Receiving a Lifelong Solution

Dental implants are built to last, but better yet, they’re designed to function as closely to your natural teeth as possible. This means that they’re easy to care for and maintain—and by doing so, you can set them up to last for decades! Traditional tooth replacement options like dentures aren’t designed for long-term use and need to be replaced often, and keeping them clean and maintained can be a cumbersome task.

#3. You’ll Enjoy Numerous Oral Health Benefits

Dental implants actually boost your oral health—and there is nothing embarrassing about having an optimally healthy grin! Implants replace the entire structure of missing teeth, including the root system, which plays a role in supporting your jawbone. Without tooth roots, your jaw would lack the stimulation it needs to grow and remain healthy.

#4. You’ll Look and Feel Much Younger

The confidence boost you will receive when you get dental implants is simply unparalleled! Patients with dental implants don’t have to worry about embarrassing mishaps that cause their teeth to slip out of place or their faces to sag—in fact, dental implants can restore a more youthful appearance to the face. By supporting the jawbone, your facial structure remains intact. Plus, having a full set of beautiful, symmetrical teeth is often associated with youth.

#5. Your Dentist Has Seen Worse

You should know that your dentist has seen quite a few smiles in their career, and you’re unlikely the worst case they’ve ever seen! That said, even if your smile is in pretty grim shape, your dentist isn’t going to judge you, laugh at you, or say anything rude. This is their profession, and they’re there to help you get your smile back on track.

About the Practice

The Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial, & Implant Surgery team is proud to serve patients and families in the Alexandria, Reston, and Burke communities. They offer a wide range of restorative treatment options, including dental implants for those who desire to rebuild their smiles and restore their quality of life! If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to schedule a visit for you or a loved one, feel free to contact the team online or over the phone for additional information or to find the closest office to you.  

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