The Truth About Wisdom Teeth Stitches: Do They Really Dissolve?

December 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — novaomsburke @ 8:06 pm
A graphic showing wisdom teeth extraction stitches

Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is never a fun time. However, the relief the procedure can provide is notable, allowing you to go through life without pain. Many patients wonder about the stitches that are left behind one the procedure is done. Do you need to have them taken out? Or will they dissolve on their own?

Continue reading to learn all about these wonderful stitches and how they help with your wisdom tooth extraction recovery.

What Kinds of Stitches Do Dentist’s Use?

There are typically two types of stitches that dentists use after wisdom tooth extractions. One is the normal non-dissolving type made of silk or nylon that is designed to reduce scarring. The other type is dissolvable and made of catgut or polyglycolic acid that is broken down by your immune system.

Will My Stitches Really Dissolve?

Yes, dissolvable stitches do indeed dissolve. The timeframe for this can vary based on the type of material used. It typically takes a few days to a couple of weeks for these stitches to break down, depending on the strength of your immune system. Most dissolving stitches should melt away in around 7 to 10 days.

What Should I Do Once I Have Stitches?

It’s important to follow any guidance that your dentist has given you specifically first. These care instructions will keep your stitches intact until they’ve done their job. Some general guidelines to follow when dealing with wisdom tooth extraction are:

  • Rinse your mouth gently with warm salty water. Don’t be aggressive with your swishing as it may disturb the extraction site. Instead of spitting, tilt your head to allow the water to pour out.
  • If your dentist gave you antibiotics, take them until the bottle is empty. Stopping too soon once the infection looks like it’s gone could cause it to flare back up!
  • Continue you oral care routine, but avoid the extraction site for about a week. This could cause the blood clot formed over the socket to dislodge.

Whether dissolvable or non-dissolvable, wisdom teeth stitches are an integral part of the healing process after extraction. If you have any concerns about your wisdom teeth stitches or experience unusual symptoms during the healing period, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for guidance.

About the Practice

At Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery, their team of excellent dental professionals is ready to help free your mouth from pain. With the latest technology and techniques, the team creates treatment plans that are as unique as your smile. Whether you need a wisdom tooth extracted or a simple dental filling, the team is ready for action. Call (571) 777-6501 to schedule a wisdom tooth extraction or visit the website to discover other services.

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