Could Your Dental Implants Rust?

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — novaomsburke @ 10:19 am
A dentist showing a dental implant model to a patient

As you might know, dental implants are highly effective. Their success rate after ten years even reaches 95%! That said, they may leave you with a nagging question: Is it possible for implants to rust? Metals can degrade with age, so it’s easy to think your new teeth will too. Truthfully, though, implants seldom rust; they’re corrosion-resistant. Your Virginia oral surgeon will even tell you why. So, here’s a primer on implants, their rust resistance, and how to care for them.

Implants Rarely Ever Rust

Technically, normal implants could rust. After all, they’re metallic – most take the form of titanium screws. However, these prosthetics rarely ever corrode.

It all comes down to the implants’ oxide layer. Said layer keeps saliva from reaching the screws’ metal surface. As such, the electrolytes in your spit aren’t able to cause rust.

Granted, these oxide layers aren’t always perfect. Some may work poorly and let saliva reach the titanium. Still, their success rate is generally high. It’s to the point that implants almost never rust.

You Could Get Non-Metallic Implants

The risk of implant rust is already low, but you can further reduce it. Some dentists provide implants made of non-metallic materials. If you’d like, you could try such an alternative.

For example, dentistry has recently invented zirconia implants. These kinds use ceramic instead of metal, so they won’t conduct electrical currents. In other words, you can trust them not to rust.

Of course, zirconia implants do have their downsides. You’d best consult your dentist before getting them. That way, you’re sure to get tooth replacements that suit you.

How Best to Care for Implants

Rust isn’t the only threat to implants. In reality, many other factors can also cause implant failure. Therefore, protect your restorations by following these tips:

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene  An unclean mouth can cause gum disease or tooth decay, both of which trigger implant failure. So, brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse often with mouthwash.
  • See Your Dentist Often – By seeing your dentist for regular checkups, they’ll fix your minor oral issues before things worsen. You’d then prevent threats to your implants.
  • Follow a Mouth-Healthy Diet – If your diet includes too much sugar, you might get gum disease that ruins your implants. Therefore, follow a diet of mouth-healthy foods like lean proteins, dairy products, and leafy greens.

Though it’s possible for implants to rust, there’s no need to worry. Just remember the tips above, and your new teeth will stay safe and sound!

About the Practice

Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial, & Implant Surgery is based in Alexandria, VA. Led by its five stellar oral surgeons, our practice gives patients truly healthy smiles. To that end, we offer dental implants, wisdom tooth extractions, and other oral surgeries. Our team can also provide dental sedation and anesthesia for nervous clients. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (571)-777-6501.

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